Not sure what causes the leak?
Let our team of experts check & fix it for you
Initial observation to determine the area of the tank that is leaking
After determining the area with a leak, emptying the water tank will allow you to thoroughly inspect the leaking part
If the lead is due to small cracks, filling the crack will do. If the crack is severe or covers a large area, a more drastic measure needs to be taken
If your water tank is suffering from a small cracks (hairline cracks), depending on the type of tanks you have, filling up the cracks with filler like epoxy resin will do.
For wider, more severe cracks, you may need to replace the panels around the cracks or the whole tank itself if it’s too severe.
Let our team of experts identify & fix the leakage for you
Water Tank leakage can be a serious problem because it means continuous water wastages until the leak is fixed.
Thus, it’s important to find the root cause of the leakage and fix it as soon as possible.
Our team of experts specialize in detecting the leak, and advise you with the best solution.
We have experienced in fixing water tank leak caused by rusting, cracks, faulty float valve, and more.
Let our team of experts check & fix it for you
Use a light inside your tank to inspect cracks at night. This way, you can spot lights coming out from cracks on the water tank. This is called the candling technique
Working in a confined space is dangerous and risky. Having professionals carrying out the works are safer
It is best to engage professionals to repair your water tank as you may lack the necessary skillset to properly assess and fix the problem. This is especially true for severe issues
If it’s a small crack, using a filler (i.e epoxy resin) to fill up the crack will works. Make sure to clean the crack area before applying any filler to see the crack better